Warning: extremely inside
A small personal note and a thank-you to everyone involved in Thursday night's Glam Slam, the annual CFRU fundraising prom in Guelph, Ontario. For the second year in a row it's been a great honour to play with friends old and new and cover a wide swath of material. The set list is always a tightly guarded secret, so for any of you who know the principals involved and are curious, here's what went down and who sang what:
Shout (Isley Brothers): Geordie Gordon
Walking on Sunshine (Katrina & the Waves): Jen Cutts
Glory Days (Springsteen): Vish Khanna
Thing Called Love (Bonnie Raitt): Sylvie Smith
I Only Have Eyes For You (Flamingos): Geordie Gordon
Pretty in Pink (Psychedelic Furs): Dave Withers
Once in a Lifetime (Talking Heads): yours truly
Ghostbusters (Ray Parker Jr.): Bill Whitehead, complete with six cans of silly string: "bustin' makes me feel good!"
Careless Whisper (George Michael): Nick Craine
Crazy (Gnarls Barkley (no relation)): Tristan J. O'Malley
Do Ya Think I'm Sexy (Rod Stewart): Sylvie Smith, Evan Gordon
Thriller (Lambchop... just kidding, Michael Jackson): Jen Cutts
Get It Together (Beastie Boys): Vish Khanna, Anita Khanna, Michelle Lobcowicz, Bill Whitehead
Other band members: Chris “mastermind” Herlihy on bass (Nathan Coles Outfit); John Merritt on drum kit, percussion and electronic drums; Gary Pereira on tenor saxophone.
I'm not sure why so much of the set drew from the 80s--don't kids today want to hear something newer? Apparently not, as the youngsters in the band (Sylvie, Geordie) didn't pick anything older than 1990 (Geordie picked songs from before even I was born). Gnarls was an obvious contemporary choice, and we picked the Beastie Boys just to make sure we had something from that god-awful decade of pop music that was the 90s.
I just find it strange that the song that's been stuck in my head the most for the last few weeks has been "Get It Together"--what does that say about all those other pop hooks?
This experience reminded me once again that I spend far too much time consuming music compared to creating it. Needless to say, the latter is always more rewarding, even if it's in a once-a-year cover band.
pics will appear at some point.
Lobkowicz with a k.